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Health conditions triggering epilepsy that you must be aware of

9th Jun, 2021

epilepsy treatment in bangalore

Epilepsy, a central nervous system (neurological) disorder caused by uncontrol or abnormal brain electrical activity that leads to seizures or periods of unusual behaviour, sensations and loss of awareness. Epilepsy affects 5.59 to 10 per 1,000 people in India. What typically makes the condition difficult to treat is the seizure signs and symptoms which may widely vary and may or may not last for long. In some cases, most recover with medications and a few difficult to treat may require lifelong medication and surgery. Most seizures are precipitated by known triggers. Interestingly, there are numerous underlying health problems that may trigger epilepsy and provoke seizures.

 Here is the list of a few underlying health problems that may trigger epilepsy: 

  • Head trauma: In case you have suffered from any kind of head trauma due to accidents or any other head injury, it can cause epilepsy. 

  • Certain brain conditions: There are numerous brain conditions that may cause severe damage to your brain like brain tumours and strokes that can result in epilepsy. In fact, stroke is considered to be one of the main causes of epilepsy among those who are 35 and above. 

  • Infectious diseases: Epilepsy may be caused by certain infectious diseases such as tuberculosis,  meningitis, AIDS and viral encephalitis. In case you have suffered from any of these infections, you must be cautious of epileptic signs. 

  • Prenatal injury: The chances of epilepsy may occur even before birth if a baby suffers from any kind of prenatal injury. Babies in the womb are extremely sensitive to brain damage which may happen due to various reasons such as infection in the mother, poor nutrition and oxygen deficiency. Brain injury prior to birth may cause epilepsy and cerebral palsy among children post-birth. 

  • Development disorders: Epilepsy may often occur in peoples who are suffering from developmental disorders such as neurofibromatosis and autism. 

  • Vascular diseases: A condition related to blood vessels can cause severe brain damage and may increase the risk of epilepsy. Controlling vascular ailments may help in controlling epilepsy well. 

  • Dementia: It may increase the risk of epilepsy among older adults. 

  • Psychological issues: Peoples with epilepsy are more likely to suffer from psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and behavioural disorders. 

At Sakra World Hospital, our neurologists offer epilepsy treatment in Bangalore with a unique level of specialized care to patients with epilepsy by using advanced technology and an interdisciplinary approach. We bring together the best neurologist for treating epilepsy in Bangalore and experts from multiple disciplines to collaborate on individualized epilepsy treatments for each patient.

When do you reach out for clinical help?

You must seek immediate medical help if 

  • The seizure lasts more than five minutes.

  • Breathing or consciousness doesn't return even after the seizure stops.

  • A second seizure follows immediately.

  • You have a high fever.

  • You're experiencing heat exhaustion.

  • You're pregnant.

  • You have diabetes.

  • You have injured yourself during the seizure.

Seizure signs and symptoms include temporary confusion, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, a staring spell,  loss of consciousness or awareness, psychic symptoms such as fear, anxiety, deja vu and more. 

Diagnosing and treating epilepsy

You may be asked to go for a neurological exam and several blood tests initially. In order to check a kind of brain anomalies, you may be asked to go for Electroencephalogram (EEG), computerised tomography (CT scan), Positron emission tomography (PET), high-density EEG, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Functional MRI (fMRI), and more. 

The treatment generally starts with medication and in case the situation cannot be controlled by drugs, then doctors opt for surgery. Anti-epileptic medication may have certain side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, weight gain, skin rashes, loss of coordination, loss of bone density, speech problems, memory and thinking problems. Depression, suicidal thoughts and behaviour, severe rash and inflammation of certain organs such as the liver are some of the rare and more severe side effects. 

Best seizure control steps

  • Take medications as prescribed. Never stop taking them or consult your physician before switching to something else. 

  • Consult your doctor immediately if you notice new or increased feelings of depression, suicidal thoughts, or unusual changes in your mood or behaviours.

  • Inform your neurosurgeon if you have migraine along with epilepsy

  • Get enough sleep and exercise daily

  • Know your seizure triggers and avoid them

Sakra is one of the best hospital for epilepsy treatment in Bangalore. The Department of Neurology at Sakra Institute of Neurosciences have one of the most experienced and comprehensive teams of neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuro-anaesthetists, neuro-rehabilitation (physiotherapists), neuro-radiologists, neuro-nurses and epileptologist in Bangalore who are experts in providing patient-focused, world-class medical care for the entire spectrum of neurological diseases.

Coverage Received in NDTV Doctor - https://doctor.ndtv.com/living-healthy/all-about-epilepsy-risk-factors-diagnosis-treatment-and-more-2352072



Dr. Shiva Kumar R.

Senior Consultant - Neurology & Epileptology

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