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Obesity and Kidney Diseases

14th Mar, 2017

 Kidney Disease Treatment in Bangalore, India | Obesity Treatment in Bangalore - Sakra World Hospital

Kidney Disease is often thought to be a rare occurrence and one can really not see it coming as in most of the cases 90% of the kidney function is already lost by the time any significant symptoms appear. It is also assumed that kidney disease manifests primarily in old age. It is important to know that these are serious myths about kidney disease that need to be addressed. Especially when one has a pre-existing condition that increases the risk of developing kidney disease. Some of the major risk factor to look out for include:

  1.     Diabetes

  2.     Hypertension

  3.     Obesity and overweight

  4.     Family history of kidney diseases

  5.     Habits like cigarette smoking

  6.     Other kidney problems like – recurrent urinary tract infections, stones and tumors, etc.

Overweight/Obesity & Kidney Disease

  • 600 million people worldwide are affected by obesity

  • Individuals affected by obesity have 83% higher risk of developing kidney disease.

  • 24.9% of CKD in women is associated with obesity and overweight.

  • 13.8% of CKD in men is associated with obesity and overweight.

CLEARLY, obesity contributes to be one of the major risk factors in the occurrence of kidney disease. Obesity itself can directly lead to CKD because in obese people the BMI being high, the kidneys have to work harder to meet the higher metabolic demands of the body by filtering beyond the normal values – hyperfilteration. Indirectly obesity contributes to the development of diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia that is altered lipid metabolism which in turn lead to kidney diseases.

Obesity and Overweight

Both Obesity and overweight can be defined as an excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat that affects the overall health of the body.
Body mass index (BMI) is an index of weight-for-height that is used to classify overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters (kg/m2).
In Adults

  1. BMI greater than or equal to 25 is categorized as Overweight and

  2. BMI greater than or equal to 30 as Obesity

What causes obesity and overweight?

One of the fundamental causes of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended which are often due to some the following factors:

  1. An increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat

  2. An increase in physical inactivity due to the increasingly sedentary nature of   many forms of work, changing modes of transportation and increasing urbanization

  3. Genetic and endocrine conditions

  4.  Sometimes medication

Why is CKD awareness important for a person who is overweight or obese?

Obesity or excess weight are both preventable with a few lifestyle changes and weight reduction. These changes not only provide prevention and reduce the risks, but also in some cases cure chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and CKD. Therefore, all individuals with obesity especially those with diabetes and high blood pressure should regularly monitor their – blood sugar, blood pressure, serum creatinine levels and urine tests for protein leak.

How can obesity and overweight be managed to prevent or reduce the risk of CKD?

The integration of a healthy diet, physical activity and refreshing sleep is the focus of management of obese and overweight people.

Healthy Diet

  1. Rather than opting for extreme diets opt for small portion meals

  2. Substitute water or fresh fruit juices for sugary aerated drinks

  3. Limit energy intake from total fats and sugars;

  4. Limit protein and sodium intake

  5. Salt consumption should be limited especially in people with high blood pressure

  6. Increase consumption of fruit and vegetables, as well as legumes, whole grains and nuts

Physical activity

Physical activity is crucial to successful healthy weight reduction. Exercise increases energy expenditure, promotes weight-loss and helps sustain a healthy weight.

  1. Inactivity is unhealthy and should be avoided

  2. Engage in regular physical activity (60 minutes a day for children and 150 minutes spread through the week for adults)


Adequate sleep promotes the maintenance of a healthy weight.

  1. Most individuals require about seven hours of sleep each night

  2. Prevent irregular sleep patterns

  3. Avoid eating before going to sleep


Dr. Sushma Rani Raju

Director & Head – Nephrology

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