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Successful Knee Replacement Surgery on a High-Risk Cardiac Patient

9th Jul, 2016

Arthroscopic Knee Replacement Surgery - Best Orthopaedic Hospital Sakra

Dr. Jagdish from Bhopal, aged 70 years, was suffering from pain in both his knees for the past 6 years and in the last 3 years, the pain aggravated to unbearable levels. Being a doctor himself, he feared undergoing knee replacement surgery and kept postponing the surgery. Having previously undergone a cardiac bypass (open heart) surgery and angioplasty, he was all the more terrified trying to take a decision on knee replacement.  When the pain became unbearable, he made up his mind to undergo the surgery.

Both his knees needed to be replaced and therefore he wondered if it had to be done in two different sittings or in one go. Although every doctor he met recommended two separate sittings, he decided otherwise. The rationale behind the decision was in fact simple; two sittings would mean double rehabilitation. The advantage of a single sitting is that the post-surgery recovery period is significantly reduced and also avoids the psychological distress of getting admitted twice.

He met many specialists and hospitals across the country to settle with the most adept hands to replace his knees. After through research, he finalized on Dr. Chandrashekar P of Sakra World Hospital, who is a pioneer in “MINIMALLY INVASIVE COMPUTER ASSISTED KNEE REPLACEMENT”.

After a through clinical analysis, Dr. Chandrashekar referred him to a cardiologist for their opinion on his heart’s condition. Taking a look at his reports and consulting with the cardiologist, Dr. Chandrashekar P. said with a broad smile, “Don’t worry doctor saheb. We’ll replace both knees at once.”

Dr. Jagdish is now completely recovered and happy that he took this life-changing decision. “If in future my wife has to under a knee surgery, it would be only under the care of Dr. Chandrashekar” Says Dr. Jagdish jokingly.

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