Who should get liver checkup?
People with the complaints/history of:
- Jaundice at present or in the past
- Vomiting blood any time in past
- Passing black colour stools
- Multiple blood transfusions
- Swelling in the feet
- Fluid in the abdomen
- Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C infections
- Liver disease in family
- Obesity
- Alcohol intake for long period/Binge drinking
- Yellow eyes
- Dark yellow urine
- Itching all over the body with pale stools
People with the complaints/history of:
- PT with INR
- Hb
- Platelet
- HBsAg
- Anti Hcv
- USG abdomen
- Specialist consultation
(Consultation with Preventive Medicine Specialist, if required consultation with Medical Gastroenterologist)