Home/News & Events/Bengalureans are wheezing and sneezing, docs advise care
There are many other viruses that show similar symptoms of Omicron including cough, cold, sore throat and body ache, according to , Head of Medical ICU and COVID ICU at BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital. He said although the Omicron cases were decreasing, there are a few endemic respiratory viruses like influenza that are still making the rounds. Influenza is also a virus that affects the respiratory system showing similar symptoms to that of covid virus. Hence, doctors are now advising people with mild cold and cough to home-quarantine themselves to avoid any virus transmission, unless the patient’s condition turns severe and requires hospitalisation. Dr Subrata Das, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine & Diabetology, Sakra World Hospital said that in the last four weeks, there was a rise in the symptoms of cold and cough. Analysing a case study, he said, “We saw a 35-year-old gentleman, who had symptoms of throat ache, body ache, nasal congestion for three days. A week ago, his spouse had Covid.
02 February 2022