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The Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery at Sakra World Hospital is a comprehensive center equipped to deal with all ENT problems.

ENT and Head and Neck Surgery at Sakra World Hospital is a specialized department dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the ear, nose, throat, and neck. Our team of highly skilled doctors, surgeons, and advanced medical technology, offers comprehensive care for patients of all ages.

Our experienced ENT specialists in Bangalore provide a wide range of services, including treatment for hearing loss, sinusitis, nasal congestion, throat infections, voice disorders, and neck tumors. They utilize minimally invasive techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure precise diagnosis and effective treatment outcomes.

Our doctors are committed to providing personalized care and ensuring the well-being of patients. Our team follows a multidisciplinary approach, collaborating with other specialties when required, to deliver holistic treatment. With their expertise and dedication, our team of experts strives to improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from ear, nose, throat, and neck conditions..

Apart from dealing with regular ENT problems like hearing loss,ear discharge,nasal block ,headaches,throat pain,voice change ,neck swellings etc ,we also have specialised equipments for diagnostics like stroboscopy, Narrow Band imaging etc to diagnose a variety of diseases.

The centre also has a well equipped Operation theatre with newer technologies like Navigatipn,Radiofrequency,coblation ,harmonic scalpel.

Other areas of expertise are the management of paediatric ENT problems. snoring and sleep apnoea, salivary gland pathologies ,parathyroid adenomas and neck swellings.

We also work with neurologists and the department of rehabilitation for many neurological and geriatric conditions, treating spasmodic dysphonia, vocal cord tremor & other laryngeal movement disorder patients with video-assisted injections.

The Department also deals with various airway conditions including laryngotracheal stenosis. The Department also provides voice, and speech therapy as allied services for voice problems, stammering, autism, and other speech problems. We also have a unit dealing with swallowing problems. The Department is well-equipped to take care of all Ear, Nose, and Throat emergencies like foreign bodies,nasal bleed,breathing difficulty etc,


Some of the minimally invasive and newer procedures done by the ENT department are Balloon Sinuplasty, Coblator Assisted adeno-tonsillectomy, Microflap micro laryngeal surgeries, Endoscopic Skull base surgeries, Laser Surgeries for many Ear Nose throat and laryngeal problems. The use of instruments like coblator ,navigation,Radiofrequency has made surgeries safer and faster recovery.

Deviated septum Septoplasty
Turbinate hypertrophy RF Turbinoplasty
Turbinate reduction
Sinusitis and polyps FESS
DRAF procedure
Tumors in nose Endoscopic excision
CSF leak Endoscopic repair
Perforation of eardrum
Middle ear infection
Middle ear fluid causing hearing loss/pain in children and adult Myringotomy+grommet insertion
Otosclerosis Stapedotomy
Throat and nasopharynx
Mouth breathing and recurrent throat pain
Snoring particularly in children
Coblation Adenotonsillectomy
Snoring in adults Palatoplasty customised
Polyp/cyst /benign lesion vocal cord Microlaryngoscopic excision/laser/coblator
Vocal cord paralysis Injection laryngoplasty
Pitch change surgery
Early voice box cancer LASER Excision
Foreign body Tracheoscopy removal
Tracheal stenosis Airway reconstruction
Salivary gland swelling Parotidectomy/Submandibular gland excision
Thyroid swelling Thyroidectomy
Parathyroid adenoma Parathyroid adenoma excision
Specialised Surgical Procedures
Stone in salivary gland duct/recurrent salivary gland swelling Sialendoscopy
Profound hearing loss Cochlear implant
Paranasal sinus malignancy Maxillectomy
Advanced voice box cancer Laser surgery

Use of Technology for ENT Care

  • COBLATION®radiofrequency Cutring Device
  • Leica micro scope
  • Medtronic M5 drill and micro debrider system
  • Medtronic navigational system for skull base surgery
  • Kalr Storz Sialendoscopy Unit
  • Holmium laser - for breakdown of calculi
  • Olympus Narrow band imaging – state of the art system for early diagnosis or cancer and precancerous lesions
  • Olympus Videostroboscopy Unit - for diagnosis of early vocal cord lesions
  • Ultra flexible scope 1.9 mm for Fees , swallowing and videolaryngoscopy
  • Trans nasal esophagoscopyand flexible bronchoscopy for biopsy
  • Rigid bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy
  • Balloons for sinoplasty, eustachian tube plasty and laryngotrachoppasty
  • Voice analysis software and video highland definition laryngoscopy

OPD Procedures & Diagnostics


Endoscopies Laryngoscopy -flexible and rigid
Nasal endoscopy
VIDEOSTROBOSCOPY -assessing wave motion of voice box to characterise lesions and to diagnose early lesions
NBI(Narrow Band Imaging) - to detect early cancers by looking into blood supply pattern
Microscopy Otomicroscocopy
Giddiness evaluation VNG(Videonystagmography)
Allergy workup SPT(Skin prick test)
Snoring evalation
Swallowing evaluation FEES


  • Ear wax removal
  • Foreign body removal
  • Removal of small lesions in ear nose oral cavity
  • Patching of small ear drum perforation
  • Repositioning maneuvers for BPPV
  • Cauterisation of nose bleeds
  • Biopsy of lesions in mouth nose ear
  • Radiofrequency assisted palatoplasty ,turbinoplasty,uvuloplasty for snoring
  • Endoscopic assisted Ryles tube insertion

Sub-Specialties Offered:

1. Pediatric Otolaryngology clinic

  • Children with tonsils, adenoids
  • Hearing Loss and ear infections
  • allergy and sinus
  • airway problems
  • voice and swallowing disorders
  • speech and developmental delays

2. Rhinology Clinic – Specialize in nose and sinus problems such as a deviated nasal septum, treat people with nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, CSF leak skull base tumors, and many other conditions

3. Snoring and Sleep Apnea Clinic

  • Endoscopic assessment of snoring
  • Sleep Studies
  • OPD bases radiofrequency treatment of snoring
  • DISE

4. Laryngology and Voice Clinic

  • Benign (non-cancerous) vocal cord lesions - polyps,cysts,nodules
  • Cancerous or precancerous lesions,
  • Infectious & Autoimmune
  • Vocal cord motion abnormalities- paralysis
  • Pitch treatments for feminine or masculine voices
  • Laryngoscopy -flexible and rigid
  • VIDEOSTROBOSCOPY -assessing wave motion of voice box to characterise lesions and to diagnose early lesions
  • NBI(Narrow Band Imaging) - to detect early cancers by looking into blood supply pattern
  • Vocal cord motion abnormalities- paralysis

5. Swallowing Clinic – Patients with swallowing problems from various issues

  • stroke, parkinsonism, neurodegenerative conditions
  • post-cancer rehabilitation, post-radiation
  • children with syndromic problems

A variety of assessments are done e.g.

  • fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES)
  • swallow therapy
  • Videofluoroscopic evaluations

6. Vertigo Clinic - a variety of state of the art examinations and rehabilitation processes for chronic and emergency treatment

  • VNG
  • VHIT
  • VEMP.

7. Cochlear Implant Audiology and Speech Therapy -

8. Allergy Clinic and Immunotherapy

  • Pediatric and adult allergy screening
  • Skin prick test
  • Immunotherapy

8. Head and Neck Cancer clinic – screening of cancers


Team of ENT and Head Neck Surgery


  • Snoring

    Snoring is a common phenomenon that affects millions of people worldwide. While it is often regarded as a mere annoyance, it can sometimes signal underlying health issues that need attention. What Causes Snoring? Snoring occurs when the flow of air through the...

    18 Jun 2024

  • Balloon Sinuplasty

    If you've ever had chronic sinusitis, you know how miserable it can be. Constant congestion, headaches, and facial pain can really affect your daily life. Traditional sinus surgery can be invasive, with long recovery times and significant discomfort. However, there's...

    18 Jun 2024

  • Sudden Sensory Neural Hearing Loss

    Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is a condition where hearing loss occurs in one or both ears in a short period, usually within 72 hours. It can range from mild to profound and can be accompanied by tinnitus (ringing in...

    13 Dec 2023

  • Noise Exposure and Its Impact on Hearing

    In today's fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with noise. From the roar of traffic to the blaring music in clubs, our ears are under constant assault. While occasional exposure to loud sounds may not cause lasting damage, chronic exposure...

    13 Dec 2023

  • allergy treatment ,Symptoms of allergy

    Newer Treatments of Allergy - Immunotherapy and Biologics

    In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the occurrence of allergies worldwide, impacting millions of people. Traditionally, allergy management consists of antihistamines and corticosteroids to alleviate symptoms. However, there are now innovative treatment options available that tackle...

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    Goitre and Other Thyroid Swellings

    Thyroid swellings, including goitre, are common medical conditions affecting the thyroid gland, which is located in the neck. These swellings, also known as a swollen thyroid gland, can result from various underlying causes and may lead to a range of...

    22 Aug 2023

Videos of ENT and Head Neck Surgery

  • Expert Tips for Ear Hygiene by Dr. Shantanu Tandon | Sakra World Hospital

    Dr. Shantanu Tandon, Senior Consultant and Head of the ENT department at Sakra World Hospital, shares essential tips on ear hygiene. He highlights that trying to clean your ears can often do more harm than good, as it may push wax deeper, causing compaction. Instead, let the wax soften naturally or consult an expert for safe removal. When it comes to ear hygiene, remember—less is more. For expert advice and care, visit Sakra World Hospital today! Visit Our Hospital Website: https://www.sakraworldhospital.com/ Follow Us On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sakrahospital Follow Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SakraBangalore Follow Us On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SakraHospital Follow Us On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sakra-world-hospital/

    19 Nov 2024

  • Proper Ear Hygiene: Avoid Unsafe Methods | Dr. Shantanu Tandon Explains

    Proper ear hygiene is essential! Avoid using unsafe methods like fingers or keychains, which can cause more harm than good. As Dr. Shantanu Tandon, Sr. Consultant, HOD - ENT, explains, earwax typically exits on its own. Attempting to clean it can push wax deeper, forming blockages. Trust the experts for your ear health! #EarCare #ENTHealth #SakraWorldHospital #ExpertAdvice #HealthyEars #SafeEarCleaning #ENTSpecialist

    18 Oct 2024

  • How Frequent Headphone Use Can Damage Your Ears | Dr. Shantanu Tandon | Sakra World Hospital

    Dr. Shantanu Tandon, HOD and Senior Consultant in ENT at Sakra World Hospital, discusses the impact of frequent headphone use, especially at high volumes, and how it can harm your ears. In-ear headphones, which don’t fully block external noise, often lead to increased volume levels, potentially damaging the inner ear and causing nerve degeneration over time. Over-ear headphones, being better at noise cancellation, allow for listening at lower volumes, reducing the risk. However, it’s crucial to limit listening duration, regardless of the type of headphones. Prolonged use can result in temporary hearing loss or even permanent damage if ignored. If you experience a ringing in your ears or a blocked sensation, it could be due to excessive sound exposure from earphones. Reduce your reliance on earphones and keep your ears healthy and safe. Visit Our Hospital Website: https://www.sakraworldhospital.com/ Follow Us On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sakrahospital Follow Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SakraBangalore Follow Us On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SakraHospital Follow Us On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sakra-world-hospital/

    4 Oct 2024

  • Tonsillectomy Explained | Sakra World Hospital

    Watch this video by Dr. Honey Ashok, Senior Consultant - ENT, Head Neck Surgery, as she shares her valuable insights on Tonsillectomy. 

    25 Jul 2024

  • Shingles- Causes, symptoms and treatment | Sakra World Hospital

    Watch this video by Dr. Honey Ashok, Senior Consultant - ENT, Head Neck Surgery, as she shares her valuable insights on Shingles. 

    23 Jul 2024

  • Septoplasty- Nose Operation | Sakra World Hospital

    Watch this video by Dr. Honey Ashok, Senior Consultant - ENT, Head Neck Surgery, as she shares her valuable insights on Septoplasty (Nose Operation). 

    20 Jul 2024

Sakra Patient Testimonials

  • Mrs Anita Vimal

    The patient's Husband speaks about his wife who was treated for Skull Based Schwannoma by Dr Swaroop Gopal and Dr Honey Ashok, about their journey of the treatment and appreciates the support extended by Dr Swaroop Gopal and Dr Honey Ashok. &n...

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  • Patient Review For Dr Shantanu Tandon

    Dear Dr Shantanu, Wish to mention that we visited you on 02 Jun 20 at Sakra Hospital. My wife, Manju Mitra was examined by you for her neck/throat pain which was persisting for 15 days. On examination, you suggested for Video laryngoscopy which wa...

  • Angela finds a new lease on life

    Angela, a primary school teacher, couldn't breathe or walk due to the large tumour on her thyroid. The tumour was so large that it extended from her neck to right behind her heart. She had to undergo surgery immediately and she choose Sakra World...

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  • Before I came to Sakra World Hospital, I couldn't eat or speak but now I'm cured!

    On 4th November 2016, I had undergone a surgery for carotid body tumor. After the surgery I went into dysphagia , something which I had not seen or even heard of. Imagine not being able to eat or drink or even swallow your own saliva. I did as advise...

  • Testimonial by Mr. Ramakrishnan

    Surgery went fine without any complications. Really thanks to Dr. Satish sir and team and thanks to duty doctor and nurses, special thanks to Dr. Honey A. madam and team. Dr. Satish explained everything smoothly and with understanding. Hospital is ne...

  • To the best doctor in the world. Dr Shantanu

    I would like to seize this opportunity to write to you to show my greatest gratitude towards you. You’ve made my life better by helping me hear sounds all around me. Previously, I didn’t feel comfortable having no eardrum. I was always...

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