Sakra Reviews | Review about Dr. Chandrashekar | Total Knee Replacement | Best Ortho Surgeon in Bangalore
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April, 2017

After the GOD I thank Dr. Chandrashekar

My mother was suffering from a lot of pain in her knees for long and was even able to walk. We consulted a lot of doctors and then my sister in law recommended Dr. Chandrashekhar, at Sakra World Hospital. We met the doctor and after seeing the reports he gave us the confidence that she will be well after the surgery. We went ahead for the knee replacement surgery for both her knees and she is now able to do everything on her own and is improving every day.

I am Naseer Begum from Bangalore, I have had a lot of problem in my knees for many years, I took a lot of treatment and consulted many doctors but nothing improved. After I got to know about Dr. Chandrashekar, I got the surgery done under him at Sakra World hospital.  With GOD’s grace, I am very well now, I am very happy, I can do everything easily, I do my prayers also. After the GOD I thank Dr. Chandrashekar.

Treatment: Bilateral Total Knee Replacement

Patient Name: Mrs. Naseera Begum

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Location: Bangalore

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